Boost Sales Performance with Talgro's LMS

Sales / Distribution

It is common knowledge among organizations that the value of sales training translates directly into top line growth. The 2019 Association of Talent Development (ATD) research indicates organizations spent an average of $2,326 (median - $1000) per salesperson on sales training annually. Despite all the training, customers continue to demand speed, exclusivity and clarity from salespersons to help them make an informed decision. Sales teams are expected to have the appropriate & right knowledge, insights, context and skills to source, acquire and manage clients for long term repeat business. Added to this, sales teams are spread across regions which implies that learning departments have to ensure that knowledge and updates are disseminated evenly, quickly and accurately all the time.

Talgro provides an easy to use, flexible, intuitively integrated interface for field sales teams, who can access content Anytime, Anywhere or on Any Device with a best-in-class experience.

Why Talgro for Sales & Distribution Training